Amazon Bestselling Mattress Bag / Protects from Pests, Water, Dust
Are you moving soon and need to protect your mattress? A mattress bag can help.
I’ve moved a lot of mattresses. For 3 years, I picked up mattresses for a company. So I’ve purchased so many mattress bags. I know the importance of a good quality mattress bag that won’t tear easily.
A thicker mattress bag will protect your mattress – because mattresses are easy to get dirty and are expensive to replace. Your mattress can easily get damaged from moves or storage, so you always want to protect it.
Ultrablock Mattress Bag Review
The Ultrablock mattress bag is a bestselling mattress bag on Amazon. It’s made of 6 mil plastic. It’s a heavier-duty plastic, so this will protect your mattress or your box springs (or both) if they’re not too thick.
You can buy mattress bags at most moving stores, but they are quite thin and flimsy and will tear easily. We reviewed a queen-size mattress bag.
In the video, I’ll show you how thick the Ultrablock mattress bag is. You can either remove all bedding or leave the sheets on, although I wouldn’t if you wanted to keep them on so you won’t have to make the bed and protect them. For this review, I removed everything. Put the longer end underneath and shimmy it up.
If you keep your mattress in your garage, a storage unit, in the back of a moving van, or even the back of a truck, the Ultrablock mattress bag will protect it. Therefore, you’ll be prepared for the weather (rain or snow), dirt, dust, rodents, or insects.
It has 2 wide adhesive strips on one edge that you peel off and seal. No need to use packing tape. And also, the adhesive strip prevents the bag from blowing off while you drive. This is especially important if you have an open truck or put the mattress on top of your vehicle.
Size and Dimensions
This mattress bag is 54 inches by 97 inches by 16 inches thick. It will fit any mattress or box spring 15 to 16 inches deep.

The Ultrablock mattress bag is also reusable. You should be able to get at least three uses out of this. It also can be used as a vacuum pack mattress bag if you have a vacuum cleaner.
Want a vacuum mattress bag instead? Check out this review on YouTube.
Sometimes some sellers say a mattress bag is a 4 mil or 6 mil or even an 8 mil, but it’s thin cheap polyurethane. This Ultrablock mattress bag is not going to tear easily. It’s pretty thick, and the size of the bag can accommodate quite a bit more.
You can also opt to throw all your bedding in, your pillows, or anything you need to stay protected along with your mattress and keep them together. I’ve done that before.
How to Use
Seal the mattress bag so that there’s a several inches allowance. Peel off the backing by pressing them together. You can also choose to use only one of the adhesive strips so that we can easily reuse the mattress bag.
Fold the unpeeled side to get a nice tight fit, and stick the peeled side on the other side of the mattress bag. If you choose to use both adhesive strips and decide to reuse the bag, it’s possible that the tape may not be sticky anymore. Or, there may be tears on the plastic. In that case, use some packing tape to seal the gaps.
15-year limited warranty. This is the first time I’ve seen a warranty of any length on a mattress bag.
The Difference Between a Mattress Bag and a Mattress Protector
Many people get a mattress BAG and a mattress PROTECTOR mixed up. A mattress bag is not to sleep on. It’s for storing your mattress, keeping it clean, keeping pests, spills, or dust off of it, or even allergens. It’s made of plastic or something like tarp material.
A mattress protector is made of fabric that protects your mattress when you’re sleeping on it. It’s to help prevent pee, blood, or other things from staining your mattress (since you can’t easily clean one or put it into the wash). So you remove and wash the mattress protector and then put it back on.
So overall, this mattress bag is good quality. It will likely be reusable 3 or more times, as long as it doesn’t get a lot of holes. You can always patch those up with packing tape. So that is my review of this mattress bag. The thickness and the sealed edge make it superior to many mattress bags we’ve tested, and it will protect your mattress.